Imam Mahdi: The Mirror Of God, Perfect Human being

Human being is the highest and the best amongst all creations. This means that man who is placed on this small planet was the only creature that was worthy to be the manifestation of God’s attributes. Imam Al Mahdi (ajf) is an excellent example of sheer perfection amongst human beings.

πŸ‘€ Dr. Raefipour | Lecture: Imam of the universe, Tehran 2022

Human in Islam

In the Islamic belief system, human beings hold a distinct and elevated position. According to Islamic teachings, humans are considered the highest and most superior creation of God. This belief signifies that humans possess inherent qualities and attributes that distinguish them from all other creations. This article explores the Islamic perspective on the superiority of human beings, emphasizing their unique role as a manifestation of God’s attributes.

The Divine Creation

According to Islamic theology, God created the universe and all its inhabitants. From the vastness of the cosmos to the smallest particle, everything was meticulously crafted by the divine wisdom of the Creator. However, it is the human being who is regarded as the pinnacle of creation, embodying a profound purpose and significance.

The Manifestation of Divine Attributes in Human

Islam teaches that humans are created to reflect the divine attributes of God. They possess the capacity to exhibit qualities such as mercy, knowledge, justice, and compassion. In the Quran, Allah declares, “And We have certainly created man in the best of stature” (Quran 95:4). This verse highlights the belief that human beings were bestowed with the potential to showcase the magnificence of God’s attributes.

Human, the Vicegerent of God on Earth

In Islamic belief, humans are also considered to be the stewards of the Earth, an essential role bestowed upon them by God. The Quran states, “It is He who has made you successors (khulafa’) upon the earth…” (Quran 35:39). As vicegerents or representatives of God, humans are tasked with nurturing and safeguarding the Earth and its resources. This elevated responsibility further emphasizes the significance of human beings in the divine scheme.

Imam Al Mahdi (ajf): The Epitome of Perfection

Within the Islamic Shia tradition, Imam Al Mahdi (ajf) is venerated as an exceptional example of human perfection. Believed to be the awaited savior, Imam Al Mahdi (ajf) is considered to possess unparalleled qualities and virtues. His existence signifies the epitome of humanity’s potential to embody divine attributes fully. In his teachings, the imam emphasizes justice, compassion, and harmony among all beings.

The Purpose of Human Existence

Islam asserts that each human being has a unique purpose in life. It is through sincere devotion, self-reflection, and adherence to God’s guidance that individuals strive to fulfill this purpose. By incorporating the teachings of Islam into their lives, believers aim to cultivate their spiritual potential and lead a life of virtue, contributing to the betterment of society.


In Islam, the belief in the superiority of human beings stems from the understanding that they were created to reflect the divine attributes of God. Humans possess the capacity to exhibit qualities such as mercy, knowledge, justice, and compassion, making them the epitome of creation. Additionally, the responsibility assigned to humans as stewards of the Earth further emphasizes their crucial role in the grand design of God. Imam Al Mahdi (ajf) stands as a shining example of human perfection, embodying the utmost virtues and wisdom. It is through embracing this understanding and fulfilling their purpose that Muslims strive to lead meaningful and virtuous lives.

Important Notes:

  • In the Islamic belief system, human beings hold a distinct and elevated position.
  • According to Islamic teachings, humans are considered the highest and most superior creation of God.
  • Humans possess inherent qualities and attributes that distinguish them from all other creations.
  • Humans are created to reflect the divine attributes of God, such as mercy, knowledge, justice, and compassion.
  • The Quran declares that humans were created “in the best of stature” (Quran 95:4).
  • Humans are stewards of the Earth, tasked with nurturing and safeguarding its resources.
  • Imam Al Mahdi (ajf) is venerated as an exceptional example of human perfection.
  • Each human being has a unique purpose in life, which is fulfilled through sincere devotion and adherence to God’s guidance.
  • Believers aim to cultivate their spiritual potential and lead a life of virtue, contributing to the betterment of society.
  • The belief in the superiority of human beings stems from their ability to reflect the divine attributes of God.
  • Imam Al Mahdi (ajf) exemplifies human perfection and wisdom.
  • Muslims strive to lead meaningful and virtuous lives by embracing their purpose and fulfilling their responsibilities.
What is the Islamic perspective on the superiority of human beings?According to Islamic teachings, humans are considered the highest and most superior creation of God.
What qualities and attributes distinguish humans from other creations?Humans possess inherent qualities such as mercy, knowledge, justice, and compassion.
What is the role of humans as stewards of the Earth?Humans are tasked with nurturing and safeguarding the Earth and its resources as representatives of God.
Who is Imam Al Mahdi (ajf) and what does he represent?Imam Al Mahdi (ajf) is venerated as an exceptional example of human perfection, embodying unparalleled qualities and virtues.
What is the purpose of human existence in Islam?Each human being has a unique purpose in life, which is fulfilled through sincere devotion, self-reflection, and adherence to God’s guidance.

The Magnificence of Humanity

In the realm of Islamic lore, a tale unfolds,
Of human worth, a story yet untold.
With elevated status, unique and supreme,
A belief in their greatness, like a radiant dream.

Created by God, with purpose and grace,
Humans embody His attributes in this sacred space.
With mercy and knowledge, justice and compassion,
They shine as reflections of divine passion.

In the Quran’s verses, a truth does arise,
“We have created man in the best of guise.”
The noblest creation, with inherent might,
A testament to God’s wisdom and light.

As stewards of Earth, their role is defined,
To safeguard and nurture, in harmony aligned.
A responsibility bestowed, a sacred trust,
Preserving the planet, for generations to adjust.

Imam Al Mahdi, an exemplar revered,
In his existence, human perfection is steered.
With virtues unmatched, his wisdom does guide,
A beacon of hope, in the tumultuous tide.

Every human soul, with purpose adorned,
Through devotion and reflection, they’re transformed.
To seek divine guidance, to lead a life true,
Contributing to society, their virtues accrue.

In Islam’s embrace, human worth is embraced,
A belief in their greatness, forever encased.
Through unity and love, they find their way,
Living with purpose, in each new day.

So let us celebrate humanity’s grand design,
In the Islamic belief, where greatness aligns.
With colors unseen, a mosaic of grace,
Humans stand tall, in their rightful place.

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