Hadith – Imam Jawad PBUH: The Hidden Enemy on your way!

Quote about desire and enemy from Imam Javad PBUH
Hadith-Imam Javad

Imam Jawad PBUH :

قَد عاداكَ مَن سَتَرَ عَنكَ الرُّشدَ اتِّباعا لِما تَهواهُ

He who conceals [the path] of proper conduct from you in making you follow that which you desire, is indeed your enemy.

📚Alam al-Din, no. 309 | أعلام الدين، حدیث ۳۰۹📚


In our journey towards personal growth, we often face obstacles that hinder our progress. Inspired by the timeless teachings of Imam Jawad (peace be upon him), this blog post emphasizes the importance of being aware of this hidden enemy which sometimes can be destructive influences that can come from people around us. Let’s delve into this profound teaching and explore the significance of embracing the path of righteousness and also identifying these negative forces and navigating a path towards personal well-being.

The Hidden Enemy:

Imam Jawad (peace be upon Him) reminds us that there are individuals who conceal the path of proper conduct and development from us. They manipulate us to follow our desires rather than what is morally right. These hidden enemies might not appear obvious at first, and can be those close to us, our friends, acquaintances, or even Satan! Yes that’s exactly what Satan does! They inadvertently or deliberately encourage us to prioritize our own desires over what is morally upright, which eventually lead us astray and hinder our growth. By recognizing their influence, we can take a proactive stance in safeguarding our own personal growth.

Consequences of Following Desires:

When we prioritize our desires over virtuous actions, we lose sight of our true potential. This can lead to regret, unfulfillment, and a disconnection from our purpose. The enemy who conceals the path of righteousness causes us to settle for immediate gratification, trapping us in a cycle of short-term happiness but long-term discontentment.

Navigating relationships:

It is essential to approach relationships with discernment, understanding that even well-intentioned individuals can unknowingly become obstacles on our path to growth. By recognizing the potential negative impact of their advice or actions, we can make informed decisions about how closely we allow them to influence us. This doesn’t mean dismissing them entirely, but rather setting boundaries and seeking guidance from those who prioritize our well-being and spiritual development.

Seeking Guidance:

To unmask and overcome the hidden enemy, we must seek guidance from reliable sources such as the Thiqlayn (Quran and the infallible Imams), experts and scholars well-versed in Islamic teachings. Their wisdom and knowledge can illuminate the path of righteousness, providing us with clarity and steering us away from the hidden enemy’s deceptive allure.</

Embracing the Path of Righteousness:

Embracing the path of righteousness requires us to delve into the teachings of the Quran and the infallible Imams (Hadith). By studying and internalizing their guidance and lifestyle, we develop virtues such as honesty, kindness, integrity, and that is the right oath which leads to human perfection. Additionally, seeking advice and insights from reliable experts and scholars equips us with the necessary tools to navigate the challenges posed by the hidden enemy.


Imam Jawad’s (peace be upon Him) teachings remind us of the importance of wise discernment in recognizing destructive influences and hidden enemies in our lives. By recognizing their influence, seeking guidance, and embracing the path of righteousness, we can overcome obstacles, safeguard our well-being, unlock our true potential, and stay true to the values set by God, thereby leading a life of fulfillment and purpose. Let us reflect on this profound wisdom and take the necessary steps, such as evaluating the guidance we receive, to unmask and conquer the hidden enemy, propelling ourselves towards personal growth and lasting happiness.

Important points:

  • – Imam Jawad (peace be upon Him) emphasizes the importance of being aware of hidden enemies that can hinder our personal growth.
  • – Hidden enemies can be individuals close to us who manipulate us to prioritize our own desires over what is morally upright.
  • – Prioritizing our desires over virtuous actions can lead to regret, unfulfillment, and a disconnection from our purpose.
  • – Even well-intentioned individuals can unknowingly become obstacles on our path to growth, so it is necessary to approach relationships with discernment and set boundaries.
  • – Seeking guidance from reliable sources such as the Quran, the infallible Imams, and experts and scholars well-versed in Islamic teachings is crucial in unmasking and overcoming the hidden enemy.
  • – Embracing the path of righteousness requires delving into the teachings of the Quran and the infallible Imams, and developing virtues such as honesty, kindness, and integrity.
  • – By recognizing the influence of hidden enemies, seeking guidance, and embracing the path of righteousness, we can overcome obstacles, safeguard our well-being, and unlock our true potential.


Who are the hidden enemies mentioned in the article?The hidden enemies can be individuals close to us, including friends, acquaintances, or even Satan.
What are the consequences of prioritizing desires over virtuous actions?Prioritizing desires can lead to regret, unfulfillment, and a disconnection from our purpose.
How should we approach relationships?We should approach relationships with discernment, understanding that even well-intentioned individuals can unknowingly become obstacles. Setting boundaries and seeking guidance from those who prioritize our well-being and spiritual development is essential.
Who should we seek guidance from to overcome the hidden enemy?We should seek guidance from reliable sources such as the Quran, the infallible Imams, and experts and scholars well-versed in Islamic teachings.
What does embracing the path of righteousness entail?Embracing the path of righteousness requires delving into the teachings of the Quran and the infallible Imams, and developing virtues such as honesty, kindness, and integrity.
How can we overcome the hidden enemy?By recognizing their influence, seeking guidance, and embracing the path of righteousness, we can overcome obstacles, safeguard our well-being, and unlock our true potential.

A short story over this article:

Sarah was on a quest for personal growth and a deeper connection with her faith. She yearned to get closer to God and live a life aligned with her values. However, she found herself constantly pulled away from this path by the hidden enemy of worldly distractions that surrounded her.

One of Sarah’s closest friends, Emily, had a carefree approach to life, often prioritizing material possessions and temporary pleasures. At first, Sarah was easily swayed by Emily’s lifestyle, indulging in activities that brought temporary excitement but left her feeling empty inside.

However, as Sarah began to delve deeper into her spiritual journey, she came across the teachings of Imam Jawad (peace be upon him), which emphasized the importance of recognizing the hidden enemy and nurturing the love for God. Inspired by these profound teachings, Sarah desired a change in her life.

With a newfound determination, Sarah decided to evaluate her friendship with Emily. She realized that Emily, albeit unintentionally, had become a hidden enemy, steering her away from her spiritual path and the love for God. Sarah knew that in order to grow personally and strengthen her connection with God, she had to distance herself from the negative influence.

Sarah sought guidance from religious scholars and immersed herself in studying the teachings of the Quran and the infallible Imams. Through this journey of seeking knowledge and insights from reliable sources, Sarah gained a deeper understanding of faith and found solace in the love for God.

With her newly acquired wisdom, Sarah approached her friendship with Emily with discernment. She set clear boundaries, ensuring that her own growth and devotion to God were not compromised. In doing so, Sarah maintained a loving and compassionate stance, always hoping and praying for Emily’s eventual realization of the hidden enemy’s impact on their lives.

As Sarah gradually distanced herself from the distractions and negative influences, she experienced a profound transformation. The love for God grew stronger within her, leading to a sense of inner peace and contentment. Sarah’s personal growth became a testimony to the power of recognizing the hidden enemy and nurturing a deep love for God.

In embracing the path of righteousness and nurturing her love for God, Sarah overcame the hidden enemy that had been hindering her spiritual growth. She became an inspiration to those around her, radiating the joy and peace that comes from a strong connection with the Divine.

This detailed example illustrates the transformative journey of Sarah, who recognized and distanced herself from the hidden enemy of worldly distractions, cultivating a deep love for God. Through seeking guidance, setting boundaries, and staying true to her values, Sarah experienced personal growth and a profound connection with her faith.