Hadith – Prophet Muhammad PBUH: Regret on the judgment day

Hadith Prophet Muhammad PBUH

🌸Prophet of Mercy; Muhammad PBUH :

ما مِن ساعهٍ تَمُرُّ بابنِ آدَمَ لَم یَذکُرِ اللّه َ فیها إلاّ حَسِرَ علَیها یَومَ القیامَهِ

Man will be regretful on the day of judgment for every single moment that he spent without remembering God

📚 Nahj al-Fisaha 2677 | ۲۶۷۷ نهج الفصاحه 📚


In the teachings of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is often referred to as the “Prophet of Mercy,” and his words and actions serve as a guide for Muslims around the world. A beautiful Hadith from his teachings encapsulates a profound message:“Man will be regretful on the day of judgment for every single moment that he spent without remembering God.”This Hadith emphasizes the significance of constantly remembering and mentioning God in our daily lives. Let us explore the lessons we can learn from this Hadith and understand the importance of a mindful and purposeful connection with the Divine.

Understanding the Hadith:

The Hadith conveys a powerful message that can resonate with people of all faiths. It serves as a reminder that life is fleeting, and every moment we spend without acknowledging the presence of God will cause regret in the hereafter. It reminds us that our purpose on this Earth is to worship and remember our Creator. By being mindful of God, we ensure that our actions, thoughts, and words align with His teachings, leading to a life of righteousness and fulfillment.

Constant Awareness of Allah’s Presence:

The Hadith encourages believers to cultivate a deep sense of God-consciousness throughout their lives. By remembering God in every moment, we can establish a constant awareness of His presence. This awareness not only brings us closer to our Creator but also helps us make decisions that align with our values and principles. When we remember God, we strive to conduct ourselves with integrity, kindness, and compassion towards others, serving as a source of inspiration and goodness for those around us.

The Path to Gratitude and Contentment:

Remembering God is also closely tied to gratitude. Acknowledging His blessings, both big and small, allows us to appreciate the abundance in our lives. Gratitude shifts our perspective, enabling us to find contentment and joy in the present moment. When we live in gratitude, we cherish the blessings bestowed upon us and recognize that every experience, whether positive or negative, holds a lesson if we are receptive to it. This attitude of gratitude brings us peace, tranquility, and a deeper connection with the Divine.

Avoiding Regret and Finding Redemption:

The regret mentioned in the Hadith serves as a reminder that our time in this world is limited and finite. It urges us to make the most of every moment by engaging in activities that bring us closer to God. By consciously remembering Him, we avoid the remorse that may arise from wasted time, missed opportunities to do good, or moments spent in heedlessness. Moreover, the Hadith reminds us that redemption is always within reach. Even if we have faltered in the past, the present moment gives us an opportunity to reconnect with our Creator and seek forgiveness for our shortcomings.


The Hadith about man’s regret for every moment spent without remembering God presents a powerful lesson that transcends religious boundaries. It highlights the importance of living a mindful and purposeful life, with our thoughts, words, and actions centered around God. By integrating the remembrance of God into every aspect of our lives, we cultivate a deep connection with the Divine, paving the way for gratitude, contentment, and eternal redemption. May we strive to constantly remember God, in every moment, so that we may find solace and fulfillment in this life and the hereafter.

List of Important Notes:

  • The Hadith emphasizes the significance of constantly remembering and mentioning God in our daily lives.
  • By being mindful of God, we ensure that our actions, thoughts, and words align with His teachings.
  • Remembering God establishes a constant awareness of His presence and helps us make decisions in line with our values.
  • Gratitude, closely tied to remembering God, allows us to appreciate the abundance in our lives and find contentment.
  • Regret mentioned in the Hadith serves as a reminder to make the most of every moment and seek redemption.
  • The present moment is an opportunity to reconnect with our Creator and seek forgiveness for our shortcomings.


What does the Hadith emphasize?The Hadith emphasizes the significance of constantly remembering and mentioning God in our daily lives.
How can we establish constant awareness of God’s presence?We can establish constant awareness of God’s presence by remembering Him in every moment.
What role does gratitude play in the article?Gratitude is closely tied to remembering God and brings us contentment and a deeper connection with the Divine.
Why should we avoid regret?Regret serves as a reminder of our limited time in this world, urging us to make the most of every moment and seek redemption.

Regret on the judgment day

In the realm where words dance with grace,

A poem unfolds, an ethereal space,

To paint the essence of a profound tale,

Of remembering God, and journeys we sail.

In Prophet Muhammad’s wisdom abide,

A teaching resonant, a gentle guide,

“Man will regret,” his words resound,

For moments devoid, where God was not found.

In every breath, a chance to connect,

With the Divine, our souls intersect,

A constant remembrance, an eternal bond,

Where regrets dissolve, and redemption responds.

Cloaked in awareness, God’s presence we feel,

Consciousness awakened, a truth revealed,

With each moment, a prayer we impart,

Aligning our actions, a divinely lit chart.

God-consciousness, a sanctuary deep,

Ensures our path, His virtues we keep,

Integrity, kindness, compassion we sow,

A beacon of love, to others we show.

Through gratitude’s lens, we behold,

The blessings abundant, stories untold,

From the grandest to the smallest delight,

We embrace the gifts, bathed in gratitude’s light.

Regret seeks to haunt, time’s fleeting embrace,

But in remembering God, we find solace and grace,

Through mindful devotion and righteous endeavor,

Redemption arrives, its embrace forever.

In closing, the Hadith’s wisdom rings true,

Beyond bounds of faith, its lessons accrue,

For in every moment, a chance to be,

Aligned with the Divine, in unity decree.

So let us embark on this sacred quest,

To remember God, in each moment, be blessed,

In prayer, gratitude, and acts so pure,

A poem unfolds, a journey secure.